It's been interesting. A lot of people in my life dealing with issues that aren't my place to discuss. A lot of work things going on that I can't share in public because it's bad form. A lot of stuff in the news that makes me angry and exasperated but there's no point in blathering about because it's not like my opinion would change anyone's mind. A lot of frustration and aggravation and agita. But you know what? Who wants to read about that? Boo hoo, blah blah.
Let's look on the bright side. I have a lot of people in my life. I have a job. I live in a country where I'm allowed to have opinions. I obviously care about them all or they wouldn't be frustrating and aggravating. I am blessed.
The happy news is that the Young Prince turned 12. He had a pretty laid-back but I think enjoyable birthday, with gifts he liked and a trip to Steak and Shake for dinner. And the weather today was amazing—60 degrees!—so we went to the dog park, where the dog was an absolute unsocialized monster, but the YP had an absolute ball playing with the other dogs. That was nice to watch.
It's weird to watch him. Some days he's amazing and grown up and a joy to behold. I am sure he will grow up to be King of Everything. Some days he's infuriating and foolish and his bad choices leave me gobsmacked. I am sure he will grow up lucky to keep a job as fry cook. I suppose that is the definition of being 12. I am fascinated to see what he turns into. Keeping my fingers crossed, but fascinated.
In other news, we did a lot of TV this week. Finally wrapped up 30 Rock. Started House of Cards. And I'm really enjoying Sunday night TV. Tonight, especially, I will be up way too late watching Downton Abbey Better Call the Walking Dead. And loving every minute of it.
I'm also reading Karen Abbot, which is really enjoyable. I didn't get to read as much as I'd hoped this week, but that just means there's something to look forward to next week, right?