It is weeks like this past one that remind me why I did such a terrible job of blogging last year. There simply isn't much to discuss.
As already reported, Monday was a holiday for everyone but me. Not Your Average Blogger and the Young Prince got some homework done, ran a couple errands. Tuesday was a snow day and even my office was closed. We all stayed home, the house got cleaned, and the snowblower got its first (successful) tryout.
Wednesday, school was closed again. I did not come out from under my laptop all day, between working on work and working on my book.
Thursday, there was a two-hour delay for school. About 30 minutes before he was supposed to leave, the YP was violently ill, and we dithered on whether he ought to go. (I was opposed. He was steadfastly in favor of showing up, which I find equal parts suspicious and charming.) As it turned out, he went, and he was fine. Which was good, because...
Friday was another snow day, for reasons I do not understand. I suppose it was rather cold to be waiting for the bus. For those of you keeping score, that means that the kid went to school for a whopping five hours this week.
Then, on Saturday, it actually DID snow, several inches. NYAB and the YP went to the kid's bowling league, and I slalomed to the grocery store, which was packed not only with blizzard panickers, but also with miles and miles of dollies with crates, because Saturdays are Shelf-Restocking Day at Giant. Does this make sense to anyone? Why not, like, 3 a.m. Wednesdays? Is this part of the new streamlined economy? I find it bewildering even on nice days. In a snowstorm? With women's parkas dripping on the floor and musclebound lunkheads maneuvering giant carts of paper towels, it devolved into downright comical.
So, after these ill-advised outings, everyone got home and we all hunkered down in the warmest room of the house with all the junk food we could eat and all the TV we could watch. It was a perfectly lovely day, although I always feel moderately guilty for not getting more done when they are over. This did not stop me from repeating the activity Sunday—we all woke up around lunchtime and I went out and conducted the snowblower's second test (45 degrees, heavier wet snow and about 6 inches of it) and was delighted to be done in less than an hour. I do find it amusing, however, that as soon as we buy a machine to do a job, the job somehow becomes mine for all time. I am determined that this will not be the case and that the YP will be on the hook for this, but I am not sure my heart can take watching him zigzag his way up the hill and struggle halfway down the cul de sac before he gets the thing turned around, and then zigzag his way back down the driveway blowing snow over the part he already cleared, etc. I suppose I should lighten up.
But at least we all did spend a little while outdoors and get some sun and some warmth. If I were 20 years younger, 50 lbs lighter, and unencumbered, yesterday would have been an absolutely perfect day for skiing. I sort of miss that, and I feel sorry for the YP that his parents are such slugs that we will not take him, but given his dislike of Fast Things and his general discombobulation with physical activity, it might be just as well that we stay home.
The one significant thing we did accomplish (if you can call it that) is that we finished the first season of House of Cards. I don't know what to make of this show. I don't know if I want to keep watching. I don't like any of the characters and a fair amount of it leaves me unable to suspend my disbelief to the degree required because it is so silly/illegal/transparently foolish. We got Seasons 1 and 2 as gifts, however, so we will probably watch for that reason. Not sure we'll go past that, though.
And now we are into another week of work, starting with a two-hour school delay. La. I do not like the chaos of winter; it throws off all my routines and I inevitably forget to do things like give the kid his vitamins, check his allowance/chores list, make sure the ironing is done... Bleah. How long til spring?