So, picking up where we left off -- the last Wednesday in August, we dropped by school to meet the Young Prince's new teacher, who seems very nice, despite a weird affinity for all things French. She did seem on top of paperwork and supply issues, so that was a promising sign.
From school, the boy and I got on the road to Atlanta. All was going well until we hit Roanoake -- when traffic came to a solid and impenetrable stop.
My mother asked later why I didn't cut back across the state, from I-81 to I-95. Well, I didn't really think a six-hour detour to a more crowded freeway really made a lot of sense. As it was, we sat in pretty awful traffic for about three hours, skirted another horrific jam near Kings Mountain, went through a lot of construction, and reached Friend Katherine's house shortly after midnight -- a mere 13 hours after we left.
The next morning we got up at an obscenely early hour -- OK, it was 6. The kid shrugged on his black jeans and leather jacket for his Christopher Eccleston as the Ninth Doctor costume, and we sallied forth to downtown Atlanta, courtesy of Katherine's driving and awesome parking spot. She waved us an amazingly cheery farewell considering she was heading in to work at 7 a.m., and we parted ways.
We stood/sat in line for passes for about an hour, but once the doors opened, the line flew. The next problem was figuring out the layout of the hotels in relation to each other -- i think it took me most of a day to get that map figured out. And figuring out the hotel interiors was another layer of befuddlement. But it all went fairly well.
The kid sucked it all in like a sponge. And once we hit the first Doctor Who panel, it was like he'd found His People. We were sitting in the way-back of a ballroom, against the wall, on the floor, when he asked if he could scoot up and find a chair. I said fine. Next thing I knew, this familiar voice pipes up with, "So, in The Brain of Morbius, who are we supposed to believe all those other faces are?"
Oh, he triggered an outpouring of positive reinforcement like you would not believe. And he engaged and challenged and even knew when to shut up and hand over the microphone, much to my shock and amazement. It was gratifying.
We then did pretty much the entire Doctor Who track for the next two days. We got to listen to the guy who played Mickey, and then sat in on panels with Sylvester McCoy and with Peter Davison -- at which the kid asked equally intelligent and impressive quetions. It was quite nice. And Sylvester McCoy, who had a busted leg, took the kid for a ride on his scooter.
That night we had dinner with Miss Katherine, then stayed for about 35 seconds of the Doctor Who ball, where there was a remote-controlled K-9 and more TARDIS ballgowns than you could shake a stick at. We didn't stay long, but headed home for bed.
Next day we got up at a slightly more reasonable hour and staked out spots for the parade. It was an OK thing, but if we go next year, I either want to reserve balcony seats at a restaurant or get there way early with my beach chairs. The nice part was meeting up with high school pal Christopher and a friend of his -- it is always good to see him, and he's on the downhill slope of moving back to Florida, so it may be a while before we get that treat again.
After the parade it was essentially more of the same, except we splurged on autographs and got to chat with Malcolm McDowell and David Warner. I think it made me happier than the kid, but he seemed pretty amenable to listening. Then we went to the panel where the two of them talked about Time After Time, and it was easily the most charming hour of the weekend, listening to these two old codgers reminisce and pick on each other.
We then headed out for a better dinner than the night before with Miss Katherine, and a viewing at her home of The Hobbit. Very laid back and fun.
Next morning we got on the road. Time spent on the return trip? NINE HOURS. Hmf.
That was pretty much it for the summer. The kid started school, and things seem to be going pretty well there. We signed him up for violin, so we'll see how that goes, coupled with piano.
This weekend, Not Your Average Blogger and I went out to dinner at Morton's to celebrate his book deal and remedy the Hereford House anniversary dinner disappointment. Boy, did it ever make up for that. The food was great, the booze was amazing, and I was very happy. Today we headed back to our Timeshare Resort Haven at Massanutten, where the kid made a bunch of friends and NYAB and I got some reading done.
This week, I am off to California for work, where they intend to teach me more about presentations, and I intend to mix business with a wee bit of pleasure by way of dinner or drinks with friends. Looking forward to it!
Oh wow. So that was the kid who got a ride on the scooter. First time I saw SM and I am now a fan for life because of that.
Posted by: helena | September 22, 2013 at 07:44 AM