I guess in the scope of years, two months isn't very much. But it feels like a long time. So much for developing the habit of writing here regularly. Maybe I need to set 600 alarms on the iPhone. Every time it dings at me, I have to write a blog post, or write a chapter, or walk a mile, or knit six rows, or eat a salad. I need to go back to preschool, where every moment is accounted for and policed.
That mourned, I am getting a lot done. I've edited 2 slideshows for my dad. I edited a proposal for Not Your Average Blogger. I am editing my seventh (seventh!) Politics in America. I have to figure I'm one of a very small number of people who have read that many of them cover-to-cover in a row. Probably single digits. I'm probably among the most informed yet least knowledgable voters on earth, because as soon as I read these books, I forget what they say. I'm not sure why that is.
I've also pushed to get the house in good shape for warm weather. I paid a posse of rednecks to clean the gutters, waterproof the deck, caulk the windows and power wash the house. I planted some new perennials. I cleaned up the flowerbed and mowed and dumped mulch in assorted places that need mulch. And yet, there's still so much to do. Another month of weekends and I'll be caught up -- in time to start over! I'm very happy with the deck, though. I'm adding plants there slowly but surely, and hoping they are hardy enough to live through winter and come back again next year.
Last weekend I powerwashed the sidewalks and places the rednecks ignored. I also burned a big hole in my leg when I somehow didn't notice the grate had fallen off the air intake of the washer and picked it up to move it. If I'm lucky, I'll have a nice paisley-shaped scar to remind me forever. This past weekend, I busted up my hands on the chipper-shredder as I wiped out about half the stuff the rednecks left behind as too small for their industrial shredder.
In the fun stuff? Lots of fun stuff. I turned 42 and after all but one invitee ditched my party suggestion because my birthday was the day before Easter, we said screw it and went to Atlantic City. Didn't win anything, but had a lot of fun on the boardwalk and beach. I also got lots of cool swag (books! movies! money! Oh my!), including a collection of all the James Bond movies from start to Skyfall. We're watching one every Friday night, so the Young Prince will be fully versed in all things Bond by the time he hits fifth grade. He's also reading the books, which amuses me no end. At one point he told me he was reading them to some second-grader on his bus, "but don't worry, I'm editing out the swear words." I wonder if he's editing out the sex.
Last weekend, we took a tour of the summer camp where we are sending the YP for a week. It's a nice place. I want to go. Zip line, mountain biking, cabins... I think he'll have fun. Maybe he'll eat something, too.I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do with all that free time. Why do I suspect it will probably be "work"??
If past performance is an indicator, the week of his absence will also be the next time I post anything here. So just in case, here are the upcoming events: Next weekend we are going to Hershey Park. I reckon it will be about 40 degrees. Just the perfect weather for roller coasters. Shiver. And tonight, we are all ditching everything and going to a hockey game. Excited about that; it's been a couple years since the last one.
Happy spring, y'all!