So, I figured things would slow down a little bit this week, with no parties/plays/etc. to prepare for.
So far, it's been at a dead stop.
Saturday's party was lovely. The place looked nice, the food was served, the guests were wonderful.
Sunday was productive. I got the garage cleaned and put together my new not-rusted-out wheelbarrow that my parents gave me for Christmas. It's so nice, y'all.
Yesterday, I woke up feeling lousy. But I went to work anyway. Where I felt REALLY lousy. Got an email that the kid was also lousy. And another copy editor.
Good lord, I thought, I've poisoned us all.
Well, no. But some kind of nasty stomach bug did make its way through a few of us.
So yesterday the Young Prince and I were on the SAD diet (Sick As Dogs) and we both slept a lot.
The stress was more than Not Your Average Blogger could take, apparently, as he does not have our affliction, I don't think, but he also hasn't gotten out of bed yet today.
Perhaps our regularly scheduled lives will resume tomorrow. Right now, I think I need a nap.
And then I need to wrap gifts/go shopping/pick up the drycleaning/help the kid with his projects/write my books/lalala.
Yes. Definitely a nap.