I'm in 50th place on my "writing" contest. Eh, whatevs.
We had a fantastic weekend, y'all. Saturday started with a peppermint milkshake and Christmas tree decorating and wrapped up with the traditional lobster and chowder dinner. Omigod, the dairy. Yum.
Sunday was the Wolf Trap sing-along, and it was much more fun at a balmy 40-50 degrees. Much easier to eat dinner afterward when you can feel your fingers. The Young Prince sang along more than he did last year, and he didn't get really nuts about wanting to jump around and dance til halfway through, so I count that a success as well. I hope that if we keep going, it will wind up being one of the annual events the kid remembers fondly as a perennial part of the holiday season. I would like that. It's like caroling without the exercise or the panhandling. What's not to like?
This week has been given over to baking for our party on Saturday and to working with the kid on assorted gift projects he is tussling with. Excellent, reasonably creative-not-cribbed ideas. We'll have to see how he does on execution. I'm trying to be Nice Supportive Helpful Mom, and not No, Stop, You're Making It Hard On Yourself Mom.
I haven't really learned this lesson very well, though you'd think I would have by now. It's just so frustrating to watch the kid do math with his fingers -- and in the wrong, longer, time-wasty-er direction; if he has to add 8 and 4, he'll start at four and count up 8 EVERY SINGLE TIME. But he gets the right answer, and I guess I should just lay off and figure that someday someone will shame him into memorizing them or flunk him on a timed test and he'll just do it when it matters.
It does make me wonder, though. He is (well, he was, I assume he still is,) certifiably diagnosed with borderline ADD. I'm not certifiably diagnosed but it's pretty clear I'm desperately afflicted with full-bore IMD (Impatient Mom Disorder, dontchaknow.) And I wonder if maybe they're not a bit related? I've spent countless hours jabbing at him to hurry up, come on, get it done, JEEEEZZZZZUSSSSS!!! He's spent countless hours resisting, trying, arguing. Maybe I should see what he does if I say, "Know what? I want you to work on this, but I want you to stare at the page for a full minute before you write a sentence. And then I want you to take 45 seconds to write each letter. No. You're going too fast." Hmmm.
(The argument also could be made that impatience stems from my having ADD, I guess -- I'm ready to be done with this shoe-tying nonsense. Let's go! Something shiny! Time's a-wastin'!)
So for those of you who will be receiving a gift from the Young Artist, I can't promise a delivery date. I can only hope it will be worth the wait.
Anyway, this is all the long way around to saying it's business as usual at Casa Blogger, and we're all having a lovely time waiting for the year to end. Hope y'all can say the same! And if you're in the area, come to our cookiefest. We take all comers after the hour of noon!
damn, gotta remember to sign in before I write out the comment, now I've lost my The [Young] Artist formerly Known As Prince joke.
I'd love to come to your cookiefest but saturday is bout day so I'll be busy with roller derby all day.
Posted by: Lovelylikebeestings.wordpress.com | December 07, 2011 at 11:27 AM