... he had been dead for five years.
Yesterday was the big day. I turned 40. Funny how much it feels like 39, or 38, or really pretty much any year in recent memory. I don't know that I'm changing much. I might be a better manager, which I can largely ascribe to having been a parent. Too tired to argue about little stuff, too farsighted to pick fights about inconsequential things that once upon a time would have been the Beginning of the End of the World.
I've sort of been celebrating for about a week, though. My parents sent me my gift last week, which included a cookie press to replace the one I burned out the motor on last December (The Young Prince was elated: "We can have Christmas again!") along with a couple movies and a very nice check that we applied to the cost of a piano -- delivered the same day we bought it, last Saturday.
So I've been sorta spoiled already, but yesterday was absolutely lovely. It started at 5, like my days usually do, but I got a surprise around 7 when the Young prince came barreling down the stairs and put on a little song and dance number for me. Then he played me the C major scale, flawlessly. (Next step, getting him to play it with both hands at the same time. Still, not bad for what has probably totaled 15 minutes of practice.) Then he joined me for a conversation.
"Mom, what's your favorite holiday?"
"Erm. I don't know. Halloween, maybe. Or Christmas."
"Huh. I like Easter. You get all the candy but you don't have to go to anyone else's house to get it. Although, I think I've figured that out."
"Figured what out?"
"That there isn't really an Easter Bunny, right? It's just you and Dad filling up plastic eggs and hiding them?"
"Well, yes. You're right."
"I thought so."
"But what about Santa?"
"I'm not sure on him. I mean, I guess he's real. But you know, Brian got a basketball from Santa last Christmas, and it had a pricetag on it. Elves didn't make that. They don't put pricetags on stuff. So ... I don't know. I think Santa is a real STORY, but not a real PERSON, maybe?"
"You think?"
"Yeah, that's my best guess."
"Well, yeah, you've basically got that right too. Santa is ... have you ever heard the term 'frame of mind'?"
"No. What's that?"
"Well, it's like a feeling. You know how good you felt when you came down and sang and made me happy?"
"Well, that's basically Santa. Santa is wanting to make other people feel good."
"Ohhh! YES! I figured it out!"
"Yes, you did. Now listen to me. Part of this Santa business of making other people feel good is letting them believe in him, and figure it out for themselves, same way you did. OK? So if you hear little kids talking about Santa, don't go telling them they're wrong, got it?"
"Yes, ma'am. I won't."
Sigh. My birthday, and he's the one growing up and hitting milestones. (Well, sort of, anyway.)
So then I went to work, and received an absolutely lovely lunchtime surprise when my partner in crime Angela showed up in my office with a giant bag full of Ben and Jerry's ice cream (Three flavors. And by the way? Late Night Snack? OH MY GOD!) plus hot fudge sauce plus whipped cream fresh from the Starbucks on the corner. She is so awesome. And she knows me so well that she's aware the only fruit I'll touch is maraschino cherries, so she provided those and didn't try to futz up the ice cream with that stuff. I heart Angela to bits, y'all.
Of course there was way too much, so I shared -- but I also ate twice as much as anyone else and found myself rather full and sleepy for the rest of the day's meetings. Win-win!
After work, my boss took me out for a birthday booze drink, so I swilled my Manhattan and we talked about all the stuff we usually talk about -- work, segueing into movies and personal anecdotes and I don't know what all.
And then I got home and discovered the YP had also gifted me with another good day at school, while Not Your Average Blogger gave me a card with a certificate for a massage and facial in it. Which means he's also going to take the kid one of these Saturdays while I go off and luxuriate for several hours. And then there was more ice cream, in the form of a cake.
Plus, I got calls from my parents and grandparents. Not to mention the kerjillion nice people who Happy Birthday'd me on Facebook.
And as if all that weren't enough, today I am taking the day off work and we are going to Opening Day for the Nats. It is currently 37 degrees and threatening to rain. It is going to be a miserable weather. But it is a ballgame, the first ballgame for 2011, and spirits are high even if the temps aren't.
40 is looking pretty good to me.
Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a fun one!
Posted by: scott | March 31, 2011 at 12:34 PM
I tried to wish you a happy bday on FB, but I'm blocked from posting on your wall...lol!
Happy Belated. I hope this is a wonderful year for you.
Posted by: lane | April 01, 2011 at 09:04 AM