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March 11, 2010



The YP is a little kid, who is going to have some different social development because his parents are highly intelligent and have treated him as though he, also, were highly intelligent (because he is). He is not someone who has been spoon fed or coddled, so his socialization is different. He is an only, so he doesn't know how to argue or play like a sibling'ed child. He knows how to reason and negotiate with adults who have taught him to reason and negotiate along their styles. Of course that seems very different from the other crayon munchers.

This will all even out. I would bet you that by age 9, he's going to hit his stride. First and second grade might be rough, but around the end of second, beginning of third, when the other kids catch up to HIS social development, he'll be fine.

And I maintain that this is a Talented and Gifted child. Their brains work differently. Social skills aren't always high on their priority list. As long as he's doing what he is supposed to do as far as his classwork goes, don't sweat it.

He's a good, smart kid, who has already had more of an education than some of his classmates will ever explore. Cut yourself some slack and remember that his school doesn't understand that you and NYAB have been teaching this about things that matter for ages. Sheesh. School is probably a snore compared to what he learns from you guys.

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