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March 15, 2010



"2: Be throwing up when you walk in. They whisk you right back out of sight and give you a bed and a bucket pronto. "

not in Ffx city, but to be fair, I usually bring my own bucket. when I don't, they give me one in the waiting room. the only time I've ever been whisked back was when I couldn't stand up I was so sick. and that was only after I stole a wheelchair because they wouldn't let me in the waiting room until mom signed me in. (this was in HS--kidney stone)


oh and I know I tend to identify my maladies in everyone's stories of ill health, but that sounds like a dehydration migraine except for the feeling worse after/during vomiting, depending on where his head pain was (forehead, temple, and around the eyes are all migraine, but so is top of the head in the front half) and injuries can instigate migraines in people who haven't had them before. Hopefully that's not it though and he's fine.

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