Place settings: Wrap a complete place setting including the
plate with a big rubber band or bow.
Use a Twister mat as a tablecloth.
Fill a large clear glass vase with water and drop in apples
to float.
Cluster votives wrapped in paper cut with pinking shears.
Fill a large footed vase with foil-wrapped candies for a
Personalize mugs and send them home with guests using ZIG
If Kids Are Invited:
Stock up on coloring books, toys, and DVDs.
Set up the table the night before: Place a couple small platters or plates of assorted pastries around the room on a coffee table or mantel to divert some traffic from the buffet table.
Set out small dishes of chocolates or nuts.
Place the plates at the far end of the table, the food in the middle and the beverages, cutlery and napkins at the other end so guests are free to reach for the pastries.
There is no such thing as too many napkins, both on the buffet and end tables.
Maintain stocks. When a platter empties, replace or remove it.
Mix solids, stripes and prints. Use coated paper plates to stand up to barbecue sauce. Use butcher paper as a runner for easy cleanup. Put flowers in cardboard vases.
Set out ant traps the day before the event. Jars of sugar water 10-15 feet from the dining area will divert bees and bugs. Set up a mosquito proofing station with wipes and bug spray. Use wipes or washrags for cleaning residue off hands.
Drag chairs and coffee tables from the den, use blankets and big pillows.
Grill only one or two foods at the event. Serve make-ahead stuff like grilled vegetables.
Set out a basket of sunscreen, lip balm, sun visors and hats, and bamboo fans from pearlriver.com .
Fill squeeze bottles with special barbecue sauce in craft-store squeeze bottles wrapped in ribbon or with glued-on butcher paper labels.
Centerpieces of clear plastic boxes with wheatgrass and fake butterflies. Stack pink and blue paper plates and napkins on placemats and top off with doilies. Use silver-colored plastic flatware.
Set the table in the shade for midday, set it in the sun for late afternoon.
Set out ant traps the day before the event. Jars of sugar water 10-15 feet from the dining area will divert bees and bugs. Set up a mosquito proofing station with wipes and bug spray. Use wipes or washrags for cleaning residue off hands.
Use a light, cool menu. Melon, poached chicken, fresh fruit desserts.
Set out flipflops and sunglasses.
Send each guest home with a packet of flower seeds tied in raffia with a fake butterfly.
Simple white tablecloth, with a linen runner. Use a theme of blue and silver.
Set out ant traps the day before the event. Jars of sugar water 10-15 feet from the dining area will divert bees and bugs. Set up a mosquito proofing station with wipes and bug spray. Use wipes or washrags for cleaning residue off hands.
Set out easy appetizers: cherry tomatoes, cubes of cheese, basil leaf drizzled with oil and skewered.
DIY ice cream sandwiches for dessert, using fresh chocolate chip cookies.
Set out blankets, sweatshirts, shawls for when the night cools off.
Use a closet door mirror as a table runner, topped with candles of different thicknesses and heights.